Deijan Garcia HEROFUEL Athlete

Deijan Garcia
HEROFUEL athletes excel on the field and in their community. They have big dreams and strive everyday to reach their goals. We are proud to fuel them!
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Full Name: Deijan Garcia
Team: Chicago Fire Juniors City and FCBEscola Chicago
Age: 9
What are your short and/or long term sports-related goals?
My short term goals are to continue growing and developing my soccer skills that will help me be a better player. If I grow as a player I can continue to be an asset to my team.
What has been your proudest moment as an athlete?
My proudest moment was when I was selected to be part of 10 kids in my age group to go to an international tournament in Barcelona, Spain.
What do you think are the three most important qualities needed to succeed as a young athlete?
Dedication, hard work, and discipline.
Why is paying attention to your nutrition as an athlete important?
If I don't give my body the right nutrition then I will not be able to perform at my best level.
What are your healthy nutrition habits?
I don't drink any kind of soft drinks, I don't eat junk food, and I prefer to have a fruit with every meal.
Do you have a favorite pregame snack or meal?
My favorite pregame meal is oatmeal or a fruit/yogurt smoothie.
What is your biggest strength as a young athlete?
My biggest strength is that I am determined to always do things right at practice and at games.
What is one thing you're working to get better at?
I'm working on not being so hard on myself when something doesn't go my way.
What advice would you give to an athlete two or three years younger?
I would tell them to work hard, to have goals, and be themselves.
Which athlete or person do you look up to?
I look up to Lionel Messi.
What do you like to do for fun outside of sports?
I like to hang out with my friends, play video games, and go to the movies with my family.
Do you have any secret talents?
I love to draw!
How do you eat HEROFUEL?
I have it before and after my training sessions.